Red Flags When Hiring Toronto Wedding Vendor

Friday October 2, 2020

What are some signs you shouldn’t hire a wedding vendor

As a wedding vendor ourselves, we have seen a lot of other vendors and couples and their wedding dreams and wedding disasters.  Hiring friends to be your wedding vendor might not be such a good idea. Here at Events 365, we are a top-rated special events rental company that services Toronto and the surrounding areas. Here are some things to look out for when considering a wedding vendor or even allowing a friend to work at your wedding. 


They need to be communicative. Your wedding vendors should want to talk to you. Yes, there is a grace window for responding to emails but you shouldn’t feel ignored. Remember that they are busy too, especially on weekends they probably have other weddings to work. So cutting them some slack is nice but don’t let yourself feel ignored. 


They should have some reviews on their websites or some form of reviews. Every vendor should have some sort of online presence. It can be anything from a Facebook business page to an actual website. They should be able to give you references or reviews of weddings they have done before. Always read the bad reviews as well and make a note of when they were posted. Don’t be afraid to ask questions about the reviews.  

Photo reviews are the best so you can make decisions for yourself. If you rent a flower wall in Toronto see how they look in photos. Toronto Flower wall rentals are great for almost any wedding but make sure that you see what you are getting before you sign any contracts. Remember when you see photos lighting can change the way colours appear but if you can see an outdoor natural light photo of the flower wall rental you can really get a feel for how it’s going to look.

Wedding vendor contracts

This is probably the best way to determine how you feel about the vendor. Ask to see one of their wedding contracts. Remember this is legally binding to the contracts should be clear and you should see what you are getting. If they promise something to you verbally but it’s not in the contract have them update it. If they don’t want to, it’s a red flag. 

In the contract make sure that it has appropriate cancellation terms. Make sure you get your deposits back if they cancel. Make sure you get it back if you cancel, all within a reasonable time. If they refuse to update or clarify anything in the contract perhaps rethink the service. 

What’s worse than an unclear contract is no contract. This is infinitely worse. A contract is so that both parties know what’s expected of them. It protects both of you from misunderstandings. A contract clearly outlines the services to be rendered and what costs it’s going to be. If there is no contract that means the vendor is not on the hook for anything. Which means that you don’t have a  guaranteed service. 

While there are plenty of reasons why they don’t have contracts or don’t want to update them like they are new to the industry or they are a family friend. Make sure you have a contract. With all the planning of your wedding, you want peace of mind when it comes to your vendors. 

How much do they know about the industry? 

Can your vendor answer questions about the industry? Not all questions but relevant ones. Catering should have good knowledge about food and allergies and cross contaminations. They should have some knowledge of the wedding industry.  It’s hard to not learn about the wedding industry if you are consistently working in the industry and that rings true for any industry. 

Wedding vendor galleries

Wedding vendor gallery example photo

If they have a service they should have pictures of their work. A top-rated event rental service in Toronto like Events 365 has a ton of photos of our decor at events. We have good examples of what we can do for you and how we can accommodate you.  Newer vendors might now have an extensive gallery which is fine but make sure if you are asking for something specific you get some sort of sample beforehand. They should understand you need peace of mind and see the product before you buy it.

The Vibe check 

If you have a gut feeling about them is a good way to weed out people you don’t want at your wedding.  We have seen many different weddings and different vendors and sometimes they just aren’t jiving with the couple. You want to make sure that whoever you select as a wedding vendor makes you excited about your wedding. They want to work with you and give you a positive experience with the wedding. 

If they are talking poorly about other clients of vendors, there might be a chance they would talk poorly about you. It’s your wedding. You want people to speak positively about you and your day. This might be just another day of work for them but they should be able to recognize that it’s a special day for you.  

Remember to enjoy yourself. It’s your wedding and you are looking to hire people to help you create your dream. It’s okay if one vendor doesn’t work out because there are other options.     

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